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Hazy Habitudes    /     霞んだ佇まい

  This series of installations and sculptures attempts to create three-dimensional abstractions of various landscapes by elaborately combining geometric objects.

In Japan, when geometric objects are found in nature, they have been likened to something and used as monuments, such as sacred objects. This is known as the psychological phenomenon of pareidolia. So even the most sublime objects made by people, such as stone figures, were not copied figuratively but were represented as geometric abstractions. Unlike the formulaic geometry of Islamic culture, this is interpreted as an abstract expression due to animistic imagination.

In the installation of the Hazy Room, furniture such as tapestries, cabinets, desks and chairs, and ottomans are replicated using only aluminium square pipes of the same shape. It can be transformed into a four-seater couch. When reassembled, all the aluminium square pipes used in the room are used. This proves that the appropriate mass of material in a room remains constant despite the variety of ways the furniture can be placed.

 Hazy Atmosphere is a sculptural work that discards the superficial beauty of natural phenomena to reveal their appearance's constitutive principles. For example, Avalanche and Icicle embody the difference between the soft fluid form and the sharp solid form of snow by varying the way the same-shaped aluminium pipes are stacked and the composition of the margins.





 インスタレーション「Hazy Room(霞んだ部屋)」では、タペストリー、キャビネット、机と椅子、オットマン、といった家具を、同一形状のアルミ角パイプのみを使って模しています。また、そこで使われるアルミ角パイプを全て使って組み替えると、4人掛けのカウチに変形します。これは、一つの部屋において、家具の置き方は多様ですが、物質の適切な質量は一定であることを証明しています。

 「Hazy Atmosphere(霞んだ現象)」は、自然現象の表層的な美しさを捨象することで、その佇まいの構成原理を顕在化させる彫刻作品です。例えば、「雪崩」と「氷柱」は、雪の柔らかく流動的な姿と鋭く強固な姿の違いを、同形のアルミパイプの積み方と余白の構成に変化をつけることで体現しています。

2023,aluminum      402×300×420mm    


Hazy Atmosphere/Avalanche&Icicle

Hazy Atmosphere/crevice

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